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MediaPlayerClosableOverlayController Fields

The MediaPlayerClosableOverlayController type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberCloseBackgroundColor
the background color of the close button view. Set this to a Color or a String containing the hex color representation. Defaults to Transparent.
Public fieldStatic memberCloseFinalAlpha
A Integer indicating the opacity of the close button after it has been activated for receiving taps. Defaults to 0.7.
Public fieldStatic memberCloseHidden
Set this key to true to skip displaying the close button for this overlay. Defaults to false.
Public fieldStatic memberCloseImage
If set to a Image, that image will be used instead of the standard progress-wheel close button.
Public fieldStatic memberCloseInitialAlpha
A Integer indicating the opacity of the close button before it is activated for receiving taps. Defaults to 0.5.
Public fieldStatic memberCloseOffset
A Integer that indicates the offset, in seconds, after which the close button should become activated for receiving taps. Defaults to 3.
Public fieldStatic memberCloseOffsetX
the horizontal offset of the close button, relative to the right margin of the overlay's view. Set this to a Number. Defaults to 0.
Public fieldStatic memberCloseOffsetY
the vertical offset of the close button, relative to the top margin of the overlay's view. Set this to a Number. Defaults to 0.
Public fieldStatic memberCloseProgressColor
the color of the circular bar that indicates the currently elapsed time until the close button can be tapped. Set this to a String containing the hex color representation. Defaults to DarkGray.
Public fieldStatic memberCloseProgressTrackColor
the color of the circular bar that indicates the total time until the close button can be tapped. Set this to a NString containing the hex color representation. Defaults to LightGray.
Public fieldStatic memberCloseSize
a Number representing the length of a side of the close button square, in points. Defaults to 16.
Public fieldStatic memberCloseTrackingURLs
A list of URLs that will be tracked by the player when the close button is tapped and the overlay is removed (see MediaPlayer.trackforEvent(ListString, String, MediaTrackingEventsMediaEventType) ).
Public fieldStatic memberCloseXColor
the color of the X symbol in the center of the player. Set this to a String containing the hex color representation. Defaults to [Color darkGrayColor].
Public fieldoverlay (Inherited from MediaPlayerOverlayController.)
See Also