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MediaEvent Fields

The MediaEvent type exposes the following members.

Protected field_absoluteDuration
Protected field_endPoint
Protected field_relativeEndPoint
Protected field_relativeStartPoint
Protected field_startPoint
Public fielddynamicPosition
Protected fieldloaded
Public fieldpreloadInterval
Defines the number of seconds before the scheduled start point when the event should receive the preload call.
Public fieldpreloadPoint
Set by the player to the current playback time in seconds, after the current event begins preloading. Defaults to -1 if the event did not start preloading.
Public fieldrepeatAfter
If this parameter is greater than 0, then the event will be retriggered by the MediaPlayer after the specific time interval (in seconds).
Public fieldtimeout
Defines the maximum number of seconds the event is allowed to live once it has been pretriggered, without setting the loaded property to true.
Public fieldtrackingURLs
This dictionary defines all URLs that need to be notified of specific events from the object's lifecycle. The keys are event constants, as defined in MediaPlayer
(Inherited from MediaTrackableObject.)
See Also