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Public classMediaEvent
The MediaEvent class describes a container that developers can use to instruct the player to run specific blocks of code at specific moments of time. Objects extending and implementing this class can be added to the player's main queue and can also be attached to a specific MediaUnit object, for runtime triggering.
Public classMediaEventStateChangedEventArgs
Public classMediaEventTimeoutEventArgs
Public classMediaOverlay
MediaOverlay describes any overlay that the MediaPlayer instance needs to render during playback.
Public classMediaPlayerEventArgs
Public classMediaUnit
The MediaUnit class represents a clip that's ready to be rendered by the player. A media unit also references an list of MediaOverlay objects, defining the overlays connected to the unit.
Public classVastAdBreak
An VASTAdBreak object defines an ad break for which the builder plugin will try to generate MediaUnits and insert them into the playlist.
Public classVMAPTemplates