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Public classMediaBuilder

The MediaBuilder assists in creating playlists of fully configurable MediaUnits, together with attached, configurable MediaOverlays, using JSON files or using a Dictionary, both following the same structure.

The media builder also has class methods that assist with the generation of individual MediaUnit and MediaOverlay objects from corresponding JSON or Dictionary structures.

Plugins can be attached to a media builder. Each plugin can dynamically insert, edit or remove units and/or overlays from the generated playlist.

Public classMediaPlayer
Public classMediaTrackableObject
Defines the properties that an object needs to implement to become trackable by the player.
Public classMediaTrackingEvents
The MediaEvents class defines the events that the MediaPlayer emits.

In order to receive events, implement the IMediaPlayerTrackingEventHandler interface, and register the listener with the MediaPlayer.


             A. In your class:
public sealed partial class HubPage : Page , MediaPlayerTrackingEventHandler {

   public void onTrackingEventReceived(object sender , MediaPlayerEventArgs Event) {

     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Event = Type: " + Event.Type + " Message: " + Event.Message );
     if (Event.Type == MediaTrackingEvents.MediaEventType.FULLSCREEN)
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Fullscreen entered");
else if (Event.Type == MediaTrackingEvents.MediaEventType.EXIT_FULLSCREEN)
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Fullscreen exited");
B. When initializing the player (or any time you wish to start receiving events):
MediaPlayer.getInstance().PlayerEvent += onTrackingEventReceived;
C. When you no longer want to receive events:
MediaPlayer.getInstance().PlayerEvent -= onTrackingEventReceived;
Public enumerationMediaBuilderMovieControlStyle
Public enumerationMediaBuilderResolveMultipleAdsConflictsBy
The VMAP standard permits allowing only one ad from a certain ad source. This constant defines how the VAST builder plugin deals with situations when multiple valid ads are retrieved from a source that is disallowed to load several ads at one time.
Public enumerationMediaBuilderWebviewDismissedAction
Defines the action that the player should take when resuming playback after an interruption caused by user interaction, that determined the display of the in-app web browser.
Public enumerationMediaPlayerMovieFinishReason
Public enumerationMediaPlayerMoviePlaybackState
Public enumerationMediaTrackingEventsMediaEventType