Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to APSUnitManagerProtocol
Declared in VeeplayMarlinManager.h


The VeeplayMarlinManager handles playback for units with Marlin DRM encryption. To instantiate a Marlin manager object and register it with the player:

    VeeplayMarlinManager *marlinManager = [[VeeplayMarlinManager alloc] init];
    [[APSMediaPlayer sharedInstance] registerUnitManager:marlinManager];


  • Set the managerType property of the APSMediaUnit object to @"marlin". If doing this programatically, you can also use the kVeeplayMarlinDRMEncoding constant.
  • Optionally, to have the player download and add a broadband license to the local store, you can set the kAPSMetadataDrmUrl key in the metadata dictionary of an item to the string URL to the license file. To configure from JSON, set the drm_encoding_url metadata key.